kongres bio 2021




On September 30 – October 2, 2021, during the BIO EXPO fair, the third edition of the BIOEXPO Congress will be held, which, as every year, is organized by the Polish Chamber of Organic Food. This event comprehensively deals with the subject of agriculture and ecological food, organic and natural cosmetics and cleaning products, as well as the subject of health, the threats that consumer civilization brings to our planet and many others. The congress will also include training courses for the industry, culinary demonstrations and workshops. The aim of the Congress is to disseminate knowledge about the advantages of ecological and organic products among many groups of recipients, incl. conventional farmers, food producers and processors, governmental and non-governmental institutions, opinion leaders and consumers.

We create the Eco Market  11:00 – 14:00

The panel is aimed at producers of organic food. The panel will increase the knowledge on regulations, plant protection products and will enable the exchange of information at the highest level with market experts.

hosted by Bożydar Ivanov

11:00 Beginning

11:05 New regulations on organic production after January 1, 2022

lecture: Dorota Metera, Prezes Zarządu Bioekspert sp. z o.o.

11:20 Challenges for the eco market - through the eyes of a lawyer

lecture: Magdalena Świąder, Partnerka w Kancelarii MOYERS

11:35 Local as a recipe for the eco-future

lecture: Krzysztof Dobczyński, Dyrektor Działu Produktów Świeżych w Carrefour Polska

11:55 The Fairtrade certificate is a chance to enter the market of organic products

lecture: Tomasz Makowski, Key Account Manager, Fairtrade Polska

12:10 Entrepreneurs' obligations under the Packaging Act

lecture: Agnieszka Jakoniuk, starszy spec. ds. obsługi klientów kluczowych, Rekopol
Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań

12:25 Challenges for eco producers from the perspective of a financial institution

lecture: Maciej Piskorski, Dyrektor Departamentu produktów Agro w BNP Paribas

12:35 Presentation of the report "Organic food in Poland" prepared by the Coalition for the Development of the BIO Food Market and NielsenIQ

lecture: Karol Przybylak, wydawca Biokurier.pl

13:00 PIŻE Management Board debate - Polish organic food market - development prospects

lecture: Karol Przybylak, wydawca Biokurier.pl oraz uczestnicy debaty: Krystyna Radkowska, Prezes Polskiej Izby Żywności Ekologicznej, Michał Kapica, Prezes Smak Natury, Sylwester Strużyna, Prezes Bio Planet SA, Łukasz Gębka, Prezes Farmy Świętokrzyskiej, Dominka Tatarczyk, właściciel MarketBio.pl

14:00 End

In a healthy body, healthy mind 15:00-17:10

A consumer panel that will inform consumers / media / doctors about the health-promoting effects of fruit and vegetables, debunking myths and black PR.

lecture: Katarzyna Pinkosz

15: 00 Beginning

15: 05 Organic food in the treatment of obesity, hormonal disorders and oncological prophylaxis

lecture: dr n. med. Tadeusz Oleszczuk, lekarz specjalista, holista

15:25 Organic food consumption and consumer health

lecture: Ewa Rembiałkowska, profesor SGGW w Warszawie

15.40 Be eco, you will go far!

lecture: Katarzyna Bosacka, dziennikarka

15.55 A healthy diet, return to nature

lecture: Justyna Orzeł, Wiceprezes Zarządu i Sekretarz Generalna Carrefour Polska

16:15 Introducing organic food and a balanced diet and reducing food waste in mass catering - StratKIT pilot actions

lecture: Renata Kazimierczak, profesor SGGW w Warszawie

16:30 Functional food - characteristics and properties

lecture: Justyna Mizera, dietetyk, wykładowca Wyższej Szkoły Inżynierii i Zdrowia

16:45 5 facts why vegan diets are the easiest diets to balance

lecture: Mateusz Żłobiński, założyciel bloga Salaterka.pl oraz wydawnictwa Salaterka

17:10 End

Program Organic Food Conference 2021

10:00 – 11:00

New regulation on organic farming: what to pay attention to from January 1, 2022lecture:  Emanuele Busacca, Michel Reynaud, Johanna Stumpner / Alex Beck

11:00 – 11:50

Packaging and ecology: less is morelecture:   Soil Association / KRAV, EkoPlaza

12:00 – 12:20

ProOrg project update

12:40 – 13:00

Final remarks

12:20 – 12:40

Inspirational stories of successful business models / Session in cooperation with FoodShift2030

Eco for the body, home and planet  14:00 – 16:00

lecture: Kamilla Stańczyk

14.00 Beginning

14.05 How to complete the product registration path? Why is it worth certifying products? Advantages and disadvantages

lecture: Nadia Rzędzia, R&D Manager, YappCO Sp. z o.o.

14.20 Ecology in the chemical industry, is it possible?

lecture: Andrzeja Przychodnego, Prezesa PCC

14.35 Certificates and markings on packages - what they mean, how to read them, what changes in the scope of labeling on packages await us

lecture: Magda Biernat, młodszy spec. ds. Projektów, Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku

14.50 Natural cosmetics - how to prove such a declaration?

lecture: Agnieszka Chojnacka, adiunkt w Wyższej Szkole Inżynierii i Zdrowia w

15.05 Bioplastics, compostable packaging as examples of solutions with a reduced carbon footprint for the food and cosmetics industries

lecture: Konrad Nowakowski, Kierownik Zakładu Ekologii Opakowań, Polska Izba
Odzysku i Recyklingu Opakowań

15.20 Why do we need to reduce our water footprint and how will organic food help us do this?

lecture: Kamilla Stańczyk, Co-founder, co-CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, Eco&More

16:00 End

I want to be on the eco market   12:00 – 15:30

The panel is aimed at producers of conventional food who are interested in entering the quality system – organic certification. We will help them find out how the process works, where to start, what not to forget and where to seek help.

lecture: Bartłomiej Czekała

Part one

How to become an organic farmer

11:00 Beginning

11:05 The development of organic farming in Poland and the European Green Deal Strategy

lecture: Wioletta Wrzaszcz, adiukt w Instytucie Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki
Żywnościowej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

11:20 How to painlessly convert to organic farming

lecture: Urszula Sołtysiak, rzecznik prasowy PIŻE, ekspert ds. rolnictwa ekologicznego

11:35 How do you turn steeplechase into a pleasant jog? Step-plan for entering the eco market - from the perspective of a lawyer

lecture: r. pr. Magdalena Świąder, Partnerka w Kancelarii MOYERS

11:50 New packages and new payment rates for organic farming after 2022

lecture: Grzegorz Ignaczewski, redaktor Top Agrar Polska

12:05 How I Became an Organic Farmer - a report from the farmKrzysztofa Dureckiego

lecture: Bartłomiej Czekała, Dyrektor Działu PWR Online, redaktor naczelny portali
grupy PWR

12:20 PWR debate - why is it worth focusing on ecology on your farm?

lecture: Bartłomiej Czekała, Dyrektor Działu PWR Online, redaktor naczelny portali
grupy PWR oraz uczestnicy debaty: Krzysztof Durecki, rolnik ekologiczny, Łukasz Gębka, Prezes
Farmy Świętokrzyskiej, Urszula Sołtysiak, rzecznik prasowy PIŻE, ekspert ds. rolnictwa
ekologicznego, Grzegorz Ignaczewski, redaktor Top Agrar Polska

12:50 Coffee break

Part two


lecture: Bożydar Iwanow

13:35 Eco is ok, responsible e-commerce (Green Generation Report)

lecture: Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska, Prezes Zarządu Izby Gospodarki Elektronicznej (eIzby)

13:50 Green Leaf - is it known and important to Poles?

lecture: Katarzyna Łozińska-Wróbel, Kierownik Projektów, IMAS International

14.05 Eco and consumer trends on the Polish market

lecture: Michalina Szczepańska, redaktor naczelna magazynu „Handel”

14.20 Ecological product and communication with the consumer - how is it done abroad? How can I do this?

lecture: mgr inż. Karolina Woś, doktorantka SGGW w Warszawie

14.35 Innovation 2022 – „the mobile future farmers”

lecture: Adam Ostrowski, założyciel, współwłaściciel Polskie Eko Zagrody

14.50 What packaging and when are they ecological, what does their recyclability and compostability mean?

lecture: Marta Krawczyk, pełnomocnik zarządu ds. ZSZ, st. specjalista ds projektów,
Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań SA

15:05 Ecological packaging in line with the concept of recyclability

lecture: Konrad Nowakowski, Kierownik Zakładu Ekologii Opakowań, Sieć Badawcza

15:20 Agriculture and climate neutrality 2050

lecture: Wojciech Szymalski, Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju

15:30 End

Pobierz Harmonogram Kongresu Bioexpo 2021